About the Course

Become a New York Notary

If you want to become a New York Notary, our course is built to cover potential test questions. Besides, the law can seem complicated at times. Nevertheless, we explain the law in easy-to-understand terms, taking out the confusion. Our New York Notary Public Training Course will absolutely make it easier for you to pass the test.

Additionally, we’ll cover many potential situations that you may encounter and we address how to handle them. For example: Charging proper fees, minimizing any potential liability, Avoiding Conflicts of Interest, and many other topics.

Hence, once you complete our notary test preparation program, you will have a complete understanding of your responsibilities. Likewise, you will understand the extent of your authority, as well as your duties.

Additionally, adding the title of Notary to your resume will certainly provide you with expanding job opportunities. Furthermore, it shows you are a person of integrity and high moral character.

We’re so certain that you will pass the exam successfully that if by chance you fail, you can take the course again totally FREE OF CHARGE. So, you have nothing to lose.

Before you decide, feel free to watch our introduction video on our home page. If you have any questions, click the “Contact Tab” and drop us an email.

Harrison Carroll
New York State Notary

Nuts and Bolts

With your Notary Public Training you will receive several downloadable files. These are listed below. The core of the downloaded material will be the Course Manual. This is essentially a textbook (in pdf format). It addresses the entire Notary License law minimizing all the legalese. Our mission is to make the law simpler for you to understand.

We’ve discovered that some people learn better through the textbook approach, while others seem to absorb information more thoroughly in an audio/visual format. Consequently we initiated a two-pronged approach to learning. We created video lessons that directly correspond to the course manual. That way we cover both preferences, with one format complimenting the other.

Many people complete the course within a couple of weeks. Even with casual study, most members are exam ready within a month. But, we realize unexpected events can get in the way and derail a student’s initial plan. Thus, we provide membership for a period of 60 days. We are proud to say that 97% of our students pass the exam on their first attempt. Please remember that your membership is valid for 60 days. So, once enrolled. please commit to taking full advantage of your membership.

Your Notary New York Membership

Once you enroll in our program, you will be entitled to enter the member’s area, as long as you are logged in. From there, you can download all the lesson files and watch the tutorial videos that accompany your enrollment. Your membership expires in 60 days. Most students are exam ready in about three weeks. Your download includes:

  • The New York State Notary Application

  • The Course Manual

  • The Course Manual

  • The Course Manual

  • And, a readme file, in case you need further instruction to access the video tutorials

  • And, a readme file, in case you need further instruction to access the video tutorials

In the member’s area, there is a tab that directs you to the video tutorials. Specifically, the videos are meant to work in concert with your downloaded Course Manual. The course is designed to present a step-by-step series of lessons that impart the information you need to know to pass the exam. So, join us.

Our Commitment to the Course

We are committed to your success. Likewise, we want you to become a New York Notary Public. Therefore, you can be assured that we are here to make sure you complete the series and pass the New York Notary exam. So, our number one goal is to make sure you are well-versed in the New York Notary Law. Then, when you walk into the exam room, you will feel confident in your knowledge and be in a position to easily pass the exam.

Your satisfaction with our Notary Public Training Program is our preeminent concern. So, we are here for you. Lastly, after you study with us, we want to know how it helped you in your preparation. Accordingly, your feedback enables us to improve the program going forward.

Below, is an overview of the New York Notary Public License Law, which we cover in detail in the course. You can read the complete law by visiting the New York Department of State.

Notary Signature