
Find key articles about the New York Notary Exam, including sample notary test questions. At Notary New York we are committed to helping people train to be a Notary Public.

More About the New York Notary Exam

October 14th, 2024 by Harrison Carroll
About the New York Notary Exam

In an earlier blog we gave a few New York Notary exam sample questions. We will provide a link to those questions at the end of this article. For now, when preparing for the New York notary public exam it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the types of subjects you might encounter. The exam tests your knowledge of the laws and procedures governing notaries in New York. Here’s a look at some topics covered on the test. This article is designed to help you study effectively.

Topics Covered on the Notary Exam

Below you will find a list of various topics covered in the New York Notary Exam.

Definition and Responsibilities

A notary public is an official appointed by the state to serve as an impartial witness in the signing of important documents. Their primary responsibilities include administering oaths, taking acknowledgments, witnessing signatures, and verifying the identity of the signers.

Legal Requirements

To become a notary public in New York, you must be at least 18 years old. Also, you must be a resident of the state or have a business in the state. Furthermore you must be a citizen or legal resident of the United States. Additionally, you can not have any felony convictions (unless your rights have been restored).


A notary journal serves as a record of all notarial acts performed. It should include the date and time of the act. It should include the type of act performed. You need a description of the document. Also, record the names and signatures of the parties involved, and any identification presented. New York Notaries must keep a journal.

Fees and Charges

As of recent regulations, the maximum fee a notary public can charge for most notarial acts in New York is $2. However, for certain acts, such as taking an acknowledgment or administering an oath, the fees may vary, so it’s crucial to consult the current fee schedule.

Ethical Considerations

Remember, a notary public must remain impartial and should not notarize documents in which they have a financial or personal interest. Doing so can result in disciplinary action or loss of notary status.

Identification Requirements

Acceptable forms of identification include a valid government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, or any other form of ID that includes the signer’s name, signature, and photograph.

Common Errors

Chiefly, a common mistake is failing to verify the identity of the signer. Notaries must always check that the identification matches the name on the document being notarized.


So, preparing for the New York notary public exam requires a solid understanding of the duties, legal requirements, and ethical standards expected of notaries. Practicing with sample questions can enhance your confidence and ensure you are ready to serve as a reliable notary public in New York. Here is a link to our earlier article that provides a few notary sample questions.

Lastly, you can learn more about how to become a New York Notary by visiting the New York Department of State.

More New York Notary Exam Questions

March 7th, 2024 by Harrison Carroll
Notary Sample Test

Here are a few more New York Notary Exam questions. These are in addition to our previous blog article that also reflects the types of New York notary test questions potentially asked. Now, we don’t know what you will be specifically on your test. But, we do know what the State is looking for, in terms of your knowledge. As stated in our previous blog, all the test questions derive from the New York State Notary License law. If you want to download a copy of the law, visit the New York State’s website.  Once there, scroll down to the link – Laws, Rules and Regulations. You will find a downloadable file in PDF format. Anyway, Check out the questions below.

New York Notary Exam Sample Questions

  • When does a notary’s commission expire?
    A) Two Years
    B) Four Years
    C) Six Years
    D) Never
    The answer is: B – Four Years
  • Who maintains a record of a notary’s signature, which is made available to the public?
    1. The Secretary of State
    2. The Town Clerk
    3. The County Clerk
    4. Nobody
    The Answer is: C – The County Clerk
  • Can a County Sheriff in New York be a Notary?
    The Answer is: No
  • If convicted of a criminal offense, can you still become a notary. Yes or No.
    But, only with a pardon from a parole board.
  • What is the fee for obtaining one’s notary license?
    The current fee is $60.
  • The Secretary of State in New York is not allowed to appoint more than 1000 notaries in a year. True or False.
    This is False. He or she can appoint any number of notaries they wish to appoint.
  • An attorney in New York is still required to take the Notary exam. True or False.
    This is False.
  • Who issues a Notary Public’s commission?
    The answer is: The Secretary of State in New York
  • When a New York Notary Public certifies a document, that document’s accuracy is now guaranteed. True of False.
    The answer is False. A notary does not guarantee the accuracy of a statement that exist in the document.
  • What is the term used to describe a person who receives service from a notary public?
    The answer is: Constituent.

The exam will have 40 questions. The questions give you an idea of what the state may look for. We can help you prepare more thoroughly in our training course. Should you desire to become a New York Notary, we can prepare you for the exam. Feel free to read our blog on How Difficult the New York Notary Exam is. Another of our blog articles which you may find interesting is titled, Choosing a Notary Training Course. A training program can facilitate your exam preparation.

Picking Your Notary Training Course

December 4th, 2023 by Harrison Carroll

Picking Your Notary Training Course

Picking Notary Course

Okay. You want to become a notary public. So, when picking you notary training course, there are certain criteria you should be aware of. It is important that you choose a provider who presents a program that will make sure you are fully prepared to pass the exam. Let’s look at some of the important things you should look for when choosing a training program. If you want to become a notary public in New York, you may want to read our article on How to Become a New York Notary.

Important aspects of picking a notary training program

  1. Make sure the exam is specific to your State. Every State has various nuances to its notary laws. Certainly, it is imperative that your training provide a course designed specifically for your State.
  2. Further, regardless of the State you live in, we recommend that you take your exam on a date that is relatively close to the date you complete the course. This is because all that knowledge you gained will be fresh in your mind.
  3. You need to decide if you prefer a live classroom course, or an online course. Each has its benefits and drawbacks. In a classroom course, you can have live interaction with the instructor. The drawback is, these courses are completed in a day or two, meaning that you have to cram information in a shorter period. An online class gives you the flexibility of convenience in that you take bits and pieces of the course over time. This allows better retention of information. The drawback is that when not in a live environment, the luxury of interaction becomes lost.

Basically, in either type of class, you want to be sure you are provided a workbook, or class manual. This way, you can easily refer back to it to refresh previous topics you learned.

We offer online training for those wishing to become a notary public in New York State. Feel free to evaluate our course before picking a notary training program. Learn more about our Notary Training at:

You can learn more about notary requirements in New York by visiting 
Also, you can also visit the National Notary Association website.

New York Notary Exam Sample Questions

November 9th, 2022 by Harrison Carroll

We are frequently asked what kind of questions are on the New York Notary Exam. Well, we cannot determine what you will be asked. But, based on previous exam questions, we can give you an idea of what to look for. Here are some New York Notary Exam Sample Questions. Remember this: All of the questions come from the New York State Notary License law. To get a copy of the Licensing Law, visit New York’s website and scroll down to the link – Laws, Rules and Regulations. You can then download the PDF file. So, let’s take a look at the types of questions that could be asked on the exam. Furthermore, you can find more New York Notary Sample Questions on another blog article we wrote.

New York Notary Exam Sample Questions


New York Notary Exam Sample Questions

The New York Secretary of State can charge a fee of $25.00 for changing an address, or the name of the notary public. True or False.
This is FALSE. The fee for changing a notary’s name or address is $10.00

  1. A certification of the signature of a notary must be issued by a New York State court. True or False.
    This is FALSE.  Any certification of a notarial signature would be done by the county clerk.
  2. Any member of the New York State Legislature cannot receive a notary appointment. True or False.
    This is False.  Because a member of the legislature can certainly be appointed as a notary public.
  3. A deposition may be taken before a New York Notary in a civil proceeding. True or False.
    This is True.
  4. A notary has the power to solemnize a marriage. True or False.
    This is False.
  5. Anyone who acts as a notary public, but has not taken and filed an oath of office is guilty of a misdemeanor. True or False.
    This is True.
  6. If a notary is asked to administer an oath or affidavit, must administer same. True or False.
    This is True. Otherwise, failing to do so is a misdemeanor.
  7. A _________ is a witness testimony which is taken outside of a courtroom before a notary public.
    The answer is “A Deposition.”
  8. A New York Notary’s appointment last for _________ years.
    The answer is Four Years.  Therefore, after that time they can renew their commission.
  9. The _________ issues the renewal of a notary appointment.
    The answer is: The County Clerk, who then sends it to the Secretary of State.

More About New York Notary Exam Sample Questions

Bear in mind that the exam consists of 40 questions. Furthermore, the above is merely a small sample of the types of questions you might encounter. By the way, If you wish to become a New York Notary, we want to help you prepare. A good source to better understand Notary License Law is to watch Michael Closen’s YouTube video.

Feel free to read some of our other blog items. Obviously, you are welcome to visit our About the Course Page to learn about our New York Notary Training program. Or, you can visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.